Here at Yingwan Thai Therapy your appointment is very important to us, however we would need you to book 24 hours in advance prior to your booking. If you need an urgent booking.
please give us a call at : 0749 3992295 or 0735 9657623
text or call : 0749 3992295
Our commitment to quality and safety
We thank you for your patience during the closure of our service. Following the recent government advice, we have decided to reopen from 12th April 2021
At Yingwan Thai Therapy, Our customer health and safety is of the utmost important to us. We make a special commitment to provide safe and high- quality care for all clients. We are preparing, working closely with all Therapist and staff to ensure that our service will meet the high standard of safety as well as focusing on public health and well-being by aiming to reduce any chance of being infected or spreading Covid-19.
Some of key points from the new guidance
For all clients
Please make an appointment before arriving.
Our receptionist will communicate with you beforehand to ask some screening and medical health questions. You will be asked those same questions again at your appointment.
To keep with social distancing, we ask that client, please arrive on time or do not arrive more than 5 minutes before appointment.
Client are requested to attend alone and bring minimum amount of extra belongings with you.
We have hand sanitiser that we will ask you to use when you enter the practice.
Before you make an appointment, please be sure that you do not answer “YES” to any of the following questions:
-You have any symptoms of fever, cough, sore throat or stuffy nose.
-Close contact with the person who have symptomatic laboratory confirmed Covid-19 infection or under investigation for Covid-19 during the last 14 days.
-Close contact with a person who travelled in the last 14 days.
-Had Covid-19 infection and recovered but still did not have Covid-19 negative test report.
Client should come wearing a mask to the practice.
Our toilet facilities will be out of use unless it’s an absolute emergency.
To keep with social distancing, we ask that client, please arrive on time or do not arrive more than 5 minutes before appointment.
For all our Therapist and staff, we do best possible to ensure safety of our client
All therapist and staff were past Corona Virus Negative test result before return to work.
Therapist will keep their personal hygiene, wash their hands before and after treatment.
Therapist will be wearing extra level of PPE; gloves, face shield, apron during treatment.
For Therapist room
We are strictly following cleaning procedure to ensure that you are safe as well as we are while you are in our treatment place. Therefore please ensure that:
We clean and sanitise treatment table and change all towels and sheets between sessions.
We sanitise pen, clipboard, counter and credit card machine every single customer used.
We clean and sanitise work place, doorknobs, light switches and handle every 15 minutes.
We clean and sanitise client‘s waiting area, sofa and chairs regularly.
We use anti-bacterial spray room after each session.
We use all Anti-bacterial products for hand wash, laundry, floor cleaning, toilet cleaning and surface cleaning
To book an appointment
Please call 0749 3992295 or 0735 9657623 or email us at yingwanthaitherapy@gmail.com
We hope to see you back soon.